Inspect your homes
Before the rainy season begins, make sure you check your roof - there could be a possibility of leakage. And if the roof has minor problems like broken tiles or other damages, make sure you get it fixed. Even a minor problem can lead to bigger issues. Your roofs are not the only places that should be checked; even your doors and windows must be checked. If you notice water entering through your doors and windows, get them checked or repaired immediately.
Check your plumbing and appliancesWeak plumbing can even lead to your homes getting flooded, so check them at least once in 3 months. If there are any weak rusted spots in the pipes, make sure you change them. Your appliances can also act as water damage agents – like your washing machines, dishwashers or water heaters. Check for any leakage from your appliances and repair it before it becomes a bigger problem.
Install Water Shutoff ValvesInstall water shutoff valves on water lines under your sinks, toilets and other water lines as a home security system, so that you can shut off the valves if there is any leakage.
Ensure your homes are VentilatedAlways make sure your homes are well-ventilated, or water problems may occur - in the form of condensation. Condensation mostly occurs during the cold weather. Always make sure your room is well ventilated, even if it’s just a little. This helps reduce the Condensation in the room. Condensation can cause the development of mould on your doors and windows. The ventilation will help prevent this.
We at Classique Chemdry, we provide water damage restoration services Bungendore Crookwell, Goulburn, Yass, Gunning, Marulan, Collectorr and surrounding NSW. Visit our website athttp://www.classiquechemdry.com.au/. Call 1800 213 006 for a free quote.